A man is standing within a cream colored fabric. His arms are outstretched, holding the cream colored fabrics on the sides. He is looking down and smiling, wearing a long sleeve shirt with zipper, and white shorts.
A man with curly hair is standing within some kind of field. He is wearing a short sleeve white shirt with a zipper, and white shorts. He is holding a tennis racket with his arms crossed.
A man with curly dark hair is leaning against a grey stone wall. He is wearing a long sleeve white shirt with a zipper. He is crossing his arms.
A man with curly dark hair is standing in the center of the frame. He is wearing a white shirt with a zipper, white pants, and light colored shoes. The backdrop is a light grey. The model is standing with his hands slightly together and smiling, all around him there are tennis balls bouncing around.
A man wearing all white is seated on a wooden stool. He is wearing a jacket, shirt underneath, and pants. There is a tennis racket on the ground next to the wooden stool. There is a white fabric that is being pulled forward as a background, to the right of the frame the woods behind the scene are visible. There is another grey surface on the floor of the scene.
In the frame there is a man with dark curly hair that has his head tilted down, and has a tennis racket in both hands. He is wearing a white shirt, and in the background there is a fabric that the blowing towards the camera. The entire image is slightly blurred.
A man with dark curly hair is holding up a tennis racket in one hand and looking at the camera through it. He is wearing a white short sleeve shirt with a zipper. In the background there is a fabric backdrop blowing.
A man with dark curly hair is smiling at the camera with his arms crossed. He is holding a tennis racket that is slightly visible to the right side of the frame. He is a wearing a white short sleeve shirt with a zipper, and in the background there is a fabric backdrop.